Two items of fantastic news here in North Derbyshire. Firstly, our wonderful MS nurse has teamed up with the local MS Society branch to organise a series of weekly talks/discussions/lectures titled "Getting to grips with MS" for the newly diagnosed. Topics are to include exercise, benefits, developments in treatments, coming to terms with the diagnosis, fatigue management, employment issues amongst others.
A lot of ground that these talks cover, will be stuff that isn't relevant to me, things I already know or things I think I already know. I think the main benefit for me, will be the chance to meet people in a similar situation, share experiences and feel a little less isolated.
In another new development, my local branch of the MS Society is organising a series of monthly drop-in sessions at a local surgery for people with MS or their partners/carers to have any queries answered, access MS Society literature or simply to network with others over a cuppa.
I don't normally interact with my local MS Society as the people who attend the social evenings tend (this might be a little unfair) to be in an older age bracket. This is an issue that the MS Society has recognised nationally, judging by the voting slips that were sent round recently. I guess the EMYAMS facebook group is one outlet seeking to redress this.
It would be interesting to see if other areas have similar schemes for reaching out to people, or if there are any innovative ideas out there.