Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Birthday hangover

It was my birthday at the weekend and now I'm hungover.

I must have had a good time... Hmmmm... Yes, I guess I did...

Saturday started by taking my eldest to her dance class and back. I started my pottery tuition in the afternoon and on Saturday evening, I ventured into Sheffield to see Reverend and the Makers play a storming hometown gig.

Sunday was my actual birthday, so I managed a little bit of a lie-in before bombardment by breakfast-in-bed wielding daughters. This was followed by a long trip to the supermarket. Then, picking up their Grandad en route, we visited one of the local parks' play areas where we had a go on the resident miniature train.

This was followed by a slap-up meal in a local eaterie, including an ice-cream dessert with a candle on top before a round-trip to show the girls Matlock illuminations.

Monday involved a day off work to do some much needed gardening, followed by helping my daughters decorate my birthday cake. By the evening, I was dropping off in my chair, so I had a brisk walk around the block to blow some life into me.

So, yes, a very enjoyable birthday... and now, even though I didn't drink a drop of alcohol, I have a hangover. A hangover caused by dragging a monster round with me all weekend. My head feels fuzzy, my hands and arms are buzzing, my legs feel like lead. I can't stop yawning after midday and I know I am going to struggle to keep awake after the girls' bed-times tonight.
I often hear people of "a certain age" claiming that "you're only as old as you feel," before twirling their umbrellas and tappity-tapping out a dance routine. If that's the case, I guess I have just reached 98, not 38.

STOP-PRESS: as I was typing this I recieved a phonecall from my local Occupational Therapist to say that I had been referred to her fatigue clinic. My first appointment is next week. The OT sounded very dour, like the last thing she wanted to do was see me, so I will keep you posted.

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