Health professional bodycount so far.
Starting with the first GP visit last year, the bodycount is as follows
- GPs 4
- Practice Nurses 2
- MS nurse 1
- Ward nurse 1
- Occupational Health nurse 1
- Phlebotomists 6 (estimate)
- Physiotherapists 1
- Neurologists 5
- Neuro-psychologists 2
- Radiologists 4
Symptom recap:
Current symptoms:
- mild optic neuritis (since Jan '09)
- doublevision / nystagmus / intra-nuclear opthalmoplegia / oscillopsia
- fatigue
- tingling / pins and needles
- neuropathic pain in legs
Symtoms that have cleared up for now:
- L'Hermitte's sign
- vertigo
- muscle weakness
- involuntary muscle movement
I wonder sometimes just how much my MS has cost since diagnoses in 1987? I'd like to have that money in my pocket, I know that much!