I finally made it to my local MS Group's social evening and AGM the other night. Great to meet people and compare notes.
Funny to be in a room full of people who, for the most part, look like they would rather be at home taking it easy.
Also funny to hold a conversation about concentration problems and really having to concentrate. I forgot the name of the person I was talking to and had to look it up later.
Found my usual inhibitions difficult to overcome. Someone asked me if I was "feeling wobbly" as I stood with a cup and saucer and I found myself breezily saying "No... er, yeah!" as the realisation dawned that the questioner was empathetic rather than making mockery. I have been wobbly all my life - always had a tremor, so I get all defensive when it is noticed.
Had an interesting chat about poetry and creative writing.
A couple of people remarked that I was brave attending (I turned up late, halfway through the Chair's address). I didn't particularly think so as I have always remained positive and have never been in denial. I am a bit shy socially, and I was one of the youngest there but was made to feel welcome. One person recognised me from work.
There was a first birthday cake for the branch. Coincidentally, today is the first anniversary of my initial GP visit. See my MS History - Part One.
A number of thoughts and ideas came to me as a result of attending the meeting. I will blog about these later.
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